On "The Apostle of England"

A Brief Sketch of William Tyndale William Tyndale From its earliest days, the Church has relied on the act of translation to pass on and preserve the Word of God. From the insular Semitic consonants of the Lord’s Apostles, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was reworked into the transnational dialects of the Greek Koine and spread to God’s people beyond Judea. It later moved into the imperial majuscules of the Holy Roman Latin of Western Europe, where it stayed, a prisoner of a calcified ecclesiology, until the Protestant Reformation twelve-hundred years later. In Great Britain, it was the reformer and gifted linguist William Tyndale (c.1492-1536) who, in translating the New Testament directly from Greek to English, liberated it from the Latin fetters of the clerics and made it available to even the ploughboys of England.