
Showing posts from July, 2019

On Did Daniel Write Daniel?

An essay on the historicity and pseudonymity of Daniel 4 As with many of the books in the Old Testament, interpretation of the Book of Daniel is beset by questions of pseudonymity and historicity vis-à-vis the book’s author, its characters, and events. Did all of the characters described actually exist? If so, did they act and interact in history in the same way they do in the biblical narrative? If not, how do we account for these discrepancies? Is the eponymous hero of the book the author of any of it? In the case of the individual stories in the Book of Daniel, the fourth chapter’s tale of Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation and subsequent enlightenment seems a tailor-made subject for these perennial exegetical questions. "Nebuchadnezzar" by William Blake (1795/c. 1805) public domain

Preterism Advances

Updates on the End of the End of the World. Not quite two years ago I posted The End of the End of the World , an introduction to partial-preterism. Today I thought about updating that blog post with a few videos I'd watched recently about preterism. But I decided instead to just fix a couple of dead YouTube links on that original post and then embed these recent videos on a whole new post. So here we are. "The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem" by David Roberts (1850) public domain