
Showing posts from February, 2017

Smashed It!

Last ever undergraduate assignment uploaded to Moodle At the bottom of the hill, there's another, steeper hill. So, last Sunday I submitted my final assignment for my Bachelor of Theology degree and, although that essay hasn't been marked yet, it seems highly likely that my grade for the course will fall well within the A-range. This means I'll have maintained my straight-A streak for the whole degree. * Yippee, it's all over AND I SMASHED IT!

Evangelism is Ill-Served by Mark 16:15

The cure for faulty doctrine is reason and sound exegesis. Detail of the idiosyncratic 5c uncial Codex Bezae . The word highlighted is GAR ("for"), the final word in v. 8. I want to talk about a recent email that I received from Crossway books—Crossway is the publisher of the ESV, the English Standard Version of the Bible—and I’m on one of their generic mailing lists for some reason. Anyway, this latest email was just an update on the four most recent posts on their blog , all of which shared the common theme of evangelism. The second post on the list was called " 7 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Teens ," by Jaquelle Crowe.