Smashed It!

Last ever undergraduate assignment uploaded to Moodle

At the bottom of the hill, there's another, steeper hill.

So, last Sunday I submitted my final assignment for my Bachelor of Theology degree and, although that essay hasn't been marked yet, it seems highly likely that my grade for the course will fall well within the A-range. This means I'll have maintained my straight-A streak for the whole degree.*

Yippee, it's all over AND I SMASHED IT!

Of course, my joy at finishing my BTheol was short lived, since I immediately started into my Master's the very next day. I'm in the 3-Semester programme (180 degree points), which consists of three taught courses (30 points each) over one and a half semesters, and a 30,000 word thesis (90 points) over the next one and a half semesters.

There is, however, a reasonable possibility that I'll forego the final semester and upgrade to the PhD programme at Otago University in Dunedin.**

Either way, isn't God amazing!

*Update 05/03/17: Just got an "A" on that final paper.

**Update 06/03/17: I won't be entering the PhD programme early, so this time next year, the good Lord willing, I'll be posting about having submitted my thesis for my MTh.


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