It's Finally Finished!

The grateful victim has been identified.

I've finished writing the thesis for my master's degree (MTh). The final edit has been done and it's ready to go to the printers. I officially submit next week. Then I get to wait anxiously for three months while it's with the examiners (two of them). Then, sometime in September, I find out just how well the last two years actually went. If it's as well received as I hope, I will probably move on to doctoral studies ... eventually.

"The Good Samaritan" by Jacopo Bassano public domain

The title of the thesis is "Identifying the Grateful Victim: An Exegetical Study." It is essentially a 30,000 word exegetical defense of four primary assertions of an idiosyncratic reading of the NA28 Greek text of the merciful Samaritan passage (Luke 10:25–37). The idio in "idiosyncratic" is literal – it's my own reading. I call it the "Grateful Victim Viewpoint" (GVV). I'm hoping the title alone will give you a clue as to the major differences between the GVV and the traditional interpretation – what I call the Prevailing Consensus View (PCV) – because the last thing I want to do right now is rehash the whole thing here.

I will discuss it in more detail after it's graded. There are a lot of very interesting ideas that came up in my research – some that even surprised me! – and they'll make for equally interesting blog posts.

Right. It's off to church now. Time to thank God for all he's done!

God bless.


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