First Post on the New Blog

This is the first post of the new sting of salt and light. I've started this new blog because my studies have proven to be a real watershed event in my Christian formation. I'm now highly dubious of the quality of everything I've written prior to this.

Now with 30% more light!

2 Tim 2:15
σπούδασον σεαυτὸν δόκιμον παραστῆσαι τῷ θεῷ ἐργάτην ἀνεπαίσχυντον ὀρθοτομοῦντα τὸν λόγον τῆς ἀληθείας.

All things are made new

This is the first post of the new sting of salt and light.

I've started this new blog because my studies at Laidlaw College have proven to be a real watershed event in my Christian formation. So much so that I'm now highly dubious of the veracity and quality of everything I've written prior to this. In fact, my knowledge base has already widened to such an extent (after only a single, highly successful semester), that I no longer agree with most of the opinions I expressed on the old blog. More importantly than that (after all, opinions are expected to change as one matures), I simply can't continue to build on all the exegetical fallacies and hermeneutical errors I can see I've committed already. If I kept posting on that blog, I'd be giving the false impression that I'm condoning everything posted on it; which would be a terrible disservice to anyone who happened by. As a "teacher of the Word," it would be dangerous for me, too (James 3:1).

Mind you, not everything I wrote there was wrong or wrong-headed, and everything I said was the truth as I understood it, but the wheat and the tares are so mixed up, it would be a mammoth undertaking to separate them all. Yet, since there is a fair bit of wheat, I don't want to delete the whole blog, either.

A new blog seemed like the perfect solution.


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