
Showing posts from 2017

The End of the End of the World

Those who hold the futurist view of the End Times have to divide the disciples' question of Jesus into two unrelated parts: The first part asking about the timing of the destruction of the Temple, and the second, for no apparent reason, about signs of the end of the whole world.

Who Slew Goliath?

Another unfortunate KJV-Onlyist attempt at "Gottcha"! David and Goliath , by Osmar Schindler (c. 1888) Spend any time at all in the comment sections under Christian Youtube videos and you’re bound to run into the dreaded cultic KJV-onlyist . I am intimately familiar with these people, and their way of thinking, because I used to hold similar beliefs regarding the Textus Receptus . Without getting into the whole controversy (see James White's excellent video series here for more details), let's just say that these people are, for the most part, well-meaning but unsophisticated believers who are sadly ill-informed about the process of translation and the vital field of textual criticism. This lack of understanding results in their mischaracterization of the KJV as an inviolate and unimpeachable biblical text--the standard English Bible from which any deviation is deemed satanic heresy. Recently, upon citing a verse from the ESV, I was immediately challenged...

First Third Down

Just completed the first of three semesters for my MTh. Η ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΣ Tempus fugit ... and that's a good thing. I've just completed two of the three taught-courses required for my degree of Master of Theology. I'll start the third one next semester along with my 30,000 word thesis. Providing I get approval to do it, I'll be completing my degree in only three semesters (which'll take to the end of Feb 18). So only two more semesters to go!

A Stimulating Development

My first published work in a theological journal. [ UPDATE 20/04/17: The Stimulus editor just emailed me to say that some student at the Saint Paul School of Theology , Oklahoma City University (OCU), just requested a copy of my article. As the editor noted in her email, "[I] just went international."] UPDATE 01/04/17: This was originally posting on October 2016, but I'm re-posting it today because I've just learned how to easily add pdfs to my blog. I've also made some significant changes. ] Hopefully the first of many The latest volume of Stimulus , the peer-reviewed "New Zealand Journal of Christian Thought and Practice," is now out and I'm chuffed to bits! That's because yours truly is one of the contributing authors. Last semester, at the behest of my current master's supervisor, I reworked one of my thematic essays into an article and it was accepted for publication. Here's a pre-pub draft: "Sign as Symbol: T...

Smashed It!

Last ever undergraduate assignment uploaded to Moodle At the bottom of the hill, there's another, steeper hill. So, last Sunday I submitted my final assignment for my Bachelor of Theology degree and, although that essay hasn't been marked yet, it seems highly likely that my grade for the course will fall well within the A-range. This means I'll have maintained my straight-A streak for the whole degree. * Yippee, it's all over AND I SMASHED IT!

Evangelism is Ill-Served by Mark 16:15

The cure for faulty doctrine is reason and sound exegesis. Detail of the idiosyncratic 5c uncial Codex Bezae . The word highlighted is GAR ("for"), the final word in v. 8. I want to talk about a recent email that I received from Crossway books—Crossway is the publisher of the ESV, the English Standard Version of the Bible—and I’m on one of their generic mailing lists for some reason. Anyway, this latest email was just an update on the four most recent posts on their blog , all of which shared the common theme of evangelism. The second post on the list was called " 7 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Teens ," by Jaquelle Crowe.

Nerdy Language Majors on Facebook

Where biblical language geeks congregate. "... is open to anyone interested in the Biblical languages and how they impact exegesis" Recently joined a highly informative Facebook group where people interested in the biblical languages can post all manner of news and views about Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek translation. It's called " Nerdy Language Majors ." The site's administrators are headed by Dr William Varner , who is an under-pastor of John MacArthur at Grace Community Church and a professor at The Master's University , where MacArthur is president. That notwithstanding, it's a very apolitical, open board, where the discussions are focused squarely on issues around language interpretation.