First Third Down

Just completed the first of three semesters for my MTh.


Tempus fugit ... and that's a good thing. I've just completed two of the three taught-courses required for my degree of Master of Theology. I'll start the third one next semester along with my 30,000 word thesis. Providing I get approval to do it, I'll be completing my degree in only three semesters (which'll take to the end of Feb 18). So only two more semesters to go!

It's incredible just how much reading and writing I've had to do over the last four months. I've written 20,000 words in total for my assignments--the last one was 7,000 by itself. It's even more incredible how much I've learned! Before this semester, I could barely find the book of Daniel in the Bible. Now I could talk about things like its transmission history, or its major themes, for hours on end. It's a lot of work, but the results are astounding!

I should've got Logos!

Take care & God bless!

Wait. What? Say that again.


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