Biblical Mythbusting Update

Update on my upcoming Bible study series.

In January, I posted the outline for a short series of seven “mythbusting” Bible studies at Remuera Baptist Church. As everyone knows, since then the entire world had a collective meltdown, turning 2020 into a year no one will ever forget (unless something even more dire occurs next year; which we’re all praying hard won’t). The effects of the Great Lockdown are still being felt here in New Zealand, even though we’ve been more or less out of lockdown since the beginning of May. I know that Sandy and I are still combatting an unusual reluctance to re-engage with the outside world the way we used to. This inability to get back into things has naturally affected my Bible Study preparations. In fact, today is the first day since Lockdown that I’ve felt any kind of excitement about teaching again!

I can’t say exactly what’s changed, but I imagine it had something to do with finally receiving my Master’s degree in the mail the other day. I’d submitted my thesis at the end of June 2019, and received my grade the following September, but I didn’t officially graduate until April of this year. Because of the Lockdown, they didn’t have a graduation ceremony, and everyone’s degrees were mailed out instead.

Along with the degree, I received my final Academic Record, showing the grades for my thesis and three taught courses, which I already knew, and my Grade Point Average (GPA), which I did not know. The degree and GPA both confirmed that my degree was awarded “with distinction” (equivalent to honours). Hearing this, Sandy immediately went on to the Otago University website to check the requirements for full doctoral scholarships (yearly stipend + fees paid) and, miracle of miracles, discovered that my GPA qualified me for a Guaranteed Doctoral Scholarship!

This was both a huuuuge relief for me, because I couldn’t possibly pursue doctoral studies without a full scholarship, and a huuuge sign from God, confirming that he indeed wanted me to pursue doctoral studies. Needless to say, I was huuugely happy!

All of which helps explain my newfound excitement at teaching again. So, in about 3 weeks time, I’ll be starting my Biblical Mythbusting Bible study series.

Although it’s back on, the proposed study has changed considerably. For a start, the number of studies is down from seven to five. Most of the topics of each study have changed, too. Here’s a list of the new titles, in no particular order, with a short blurb on each one.

Five Mythbuster Studies
Choose You This Day
This study will show that the popular Evangellical call to "choose you this day whom you will serve" (Joshua 24:15) is continually being wrenched from its immediate literary context and pressed into service against its will by pastors and theologians alike.

I Can do All Things
Using a fresh look at Philippians 4:13 as an example, this study explores the differences between biblical interpretation and biblical application, illustrating how to distinguish between sound and unsound interpretation, and between legitimate and illegitimate application.

The Devil in the Details
Using the Book of Job as a starting point, this study examines the difference between the scriptural presentation of Satan and the conventional understanding of who and what he is.

When Must These Things Come to Pass
Through sound exegetical examination of the prologue and epilogue of the Book of Revelation, this study will demonstrate that the common view regarding the timing of the prophetic material in the Apocalypse has been systematically disconnected from the author's own understanding and intention.

Who is My Neighbour?
Based on the core finding of my MTh thesis, this study of the Merciful Samaritan passage in the Third Gospel (Luke 10:25–37) explores how the conventional interpretation of the passage is often at odds with the text.

God bless.


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