Those who hold the futurist view of the End Times have to divide the disciples' question of Jesus into two unrelated parts: The first part asking about the timing of the destruction of the Temple, and the second, for no apparent reason, about signs of the end of the whole world.
The grateful victim has been identified. I've finished writing the thesis for my master's degree (MTh). The final edit has been done and it's ready to go to the printers. I officially submit next week. Then I get to wait anxiously for three months while it's with the examiners (two of them). Then, sometime in September, I find out just how well the last two years actually went. If it's as well received as I hope, I will probably move on to doctoral studies ... eventually. "The Good Samaritan" by Jacopo Bassano public domain
Far too often I went scrabbling down many a goat track of error in my self-study because my intellectual self-reliance made me think I was capable of self-correction, needing no part of the great doctrinal conversation the Church has been having since the first century.
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